How come I going to Thailand where in fact I was just been in
"Edwin, alam mo ikaw ang sasama sa Thailand for the training?", I rememberedDondon telling me about it. I know about the Thailand training but I don't easily get the point why Im going there. Ivy and Dondon was originally the two persons from ASTI to attend the training. But now Ivy is leaving ASTI soshe will no longer be sent for training. Now, Im the substitute to Ivy. I saw an email going to Pensri of Thailand from Sir Denis. Sir Denis advisesPensri that I will be going with Dondon to Thailand instead of Ivy. At firstIm not happy with the email knowing the privilege and opportunity to attenda free and all expense paid training in Asian Institute of Technology. I thought it was just another "false" notification. It's so because I'msupposed to go to Vietnam last September I think on AI3's meeting. I evenhave an invitation for that and Sir Denis even told me that AI3 is interestedin nominating a vice chair for the Network measurements working group. Duringthat I was so happy with Sir Denis' news and more intensified with the copy of invitation letter I received. Im so glad that I was invited together withSir Denis and Sir Josel to attend the meeting in Vietnam. I was really expectingthat I will go to Vietnam! But plans have changed and I don't understandwhy I was not permitted to travel... I was so disappointed with it. You knowthat could have been the first time Im going to Vietnam and join a meetingwith fellow researchers in Japan and the Asia Pacific countries. I feel so privilege seeing the invitation and the opportunity... But it never came true! >>Read more
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